Networking Service

Networking Service

Cena do:

Juniper Configuration switch

50,00 $
ušteda: 5,00 $
45,00 $

Lenovo monthly service

80,00 $
ušteda: 8,00 $
72,00 $

Huawei Installation of the customer networking equipment

200,00 $
ušteda: 20,00 $
180,00 $

Mercusys Setup, test and commissioning LAN

200,00 $
ušteda: 20,00 $
180,00 $

HPE Maintenance for COM provisioning software, 24x7, 6 months

300,00 $
ušteda: 30,00 $
270,00 $

Neotion Configuration CMTS router

400,00 $
ušteda: 40,00 $
360,00 $

Huawei Remote configuration network equipment

400,00 $
ušteda: 40,00 $
360,00 $

Harmonic Studija prosirenja sabirnog kapaciteta cvorista optickih veza u Ethernet topologiji mreze GRF

400,00 $
ušteda: 40,00 $
360,00 $

Microsemi Installation and testing structured cabling system

590,00 $
ušteda: 59,00 $
531,00 $

Netgear Installation wireless access points

590,00 $
ušteda: 59,00 $
531,00 $

Contact Us

ALL4NETWORK is a part and a wholy owned subsidiary of the parent company Network Manager Group that specialiyes in offering new and refurbished telecommunication network equipment made by globally recognized vendors.


Gredom-Smart warehouse

  • Cara Lazara 253, 26220 Kovin , Srbija
  • Opening Times: Ponedeljak - Petak 08am - 04pm
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